Thank you, teachers, for all you do!

Thank you, teachers, for all you do!

Teacher Appreciation Week is a time to honor all our NISD teachers, teacher assistants, and substitute teachers who tirelessly guide and inspire students every day. 

The theme this year for Teacher Appreciation Week is “Teachers are Shining Stars.” Teachers are the shining stars in the constellation of our society, illuminating the path to knowledge and growth. They selflessly dedicate themselves to nurturing young minds, imparting not just academic lessons, but also invaluable life skills and wisdom. With their patience, passion, and dedication, teachers mold the future generation, instilling within them a love for learning and a belief in their potential.

During this special week, let us express our heartfelt gratitude to these extraordinary individuals who light up our world with knowledge and empower the next generation to reach for the stars.

Since 1984, the National PTA has designated one week in May as a special time to honor the individuals who lend their passion and skills to educating our children.